Become a Member of the Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps
Join the Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps
Can't attend weekly lunch meetings? There are still ways to enjoy the prestige of being a Rotarian. Join a committee, or become a board member, let us enjoy your company at socials, and help out on service projects.
Now, it's time to talk money. Rotary isn't free, but it won't break the bank and we think you'll reap the rewards of being a Rotarian.
Below is a summary of your financial obligations to the club.
A) Your monthly club dues of $25 are obligatory.
B) Annual pledge to The Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps. Suggested minimum - $10 per month
C) Annual pledge to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is optional.
D) Weekly lunch meetings are $20
Application for Membership
I, the undersigned, being familiar with the requirements for and conditions of membership, here by make application for membership as an Active Member for the Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps under the classification of _______________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________________ Nickname: _______________
First Middle initial Last
Birth date: _______/______/________ Spouse Name: ________________________
Spouse Birth date: ______/______/_______ Wedding date: ______/______/______
Hobbies or Areas of Interests: _____________________________________________
If applicable: My continuous Rotary membership began ______/______/______
I am now a Paul Harris □ Fellow □ Sustaining Member
Information for the Rotary Club Directory
Company Name: ________________________________________________________
Title/Position: __________________________________________________________
Street Address/P.O. Box: _________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: ____________________________________________________
Telephone: (___) ____________ Cell: (___) _____________ Fax (___) ____________
E-mail: __________________________________________ □ Send Rotary mail here
Please print legibly
Street Address/P.O. Box: _________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: ____________________________________________________
Telephone: (____) ___________________ Home Fax (___) ____________________
E-mail: __________________________________________ □ Send Rotary mail here
Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________
If you have any questions please contact Melanie at
Please email completed form to Melanie at